Thanks for the text. A few suggestions just in case you might add them for the future:

I miss a market quick overview: main competitors, market share, product and price differenciation. Scale is an advantage, are there any other companies as big or even bigger?

The market is said to be correlated to US homes started. How strong is that correlation. What did it happen to the revenue and profits during the boom of 2004-2007 and the bust of 2008-2010.

Average roe, roa, roic, roce... Of last decade? Average p/e and p/b of last years vs current one? Any possible catalyst or just a slow multiple expansion?

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OK Sir I think you have entirely different expectations and I am more than happy to communicate:

1. Some writers do a 5,000-word deep dive. That is not my intention. I intend to crystalize my ideas in a format that can be consumed for other people within 10 minutes. If that piqued your interest, you can dig further yourself. There are English filings.

2. Seldom I see people on substack/twitter/VIC do a comprehensive, big picture breakdown on a company and go through the whole competition dynamic. If you are looking for that, I am sorry this is not the platform. There are market research reports that cost $USD> 5,000 serving the exact purpose.

3. I am very concerned on how much details I provided and if I need to be responsible for that. I met a fellow writer who laid out everything and his reader went after him when that particular idea did not work. Perhaps that is too much handholding and I do not know if that helps.

4. Many financial metrics(ROE, ROA, ROIC, PE Bands...etc) a person can kind of grab them himself. Maybe not listing all the numbers hurt my case. Maybe I need to throw in more forecast. But if you are looking for that brokerage reports are for that purpose. Hopefully I have shown that it appears undervalued/mispriced with simple logic.

Thank you for your feedback and my DM is open if you want to talk.

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I linked to this piece in my links post for today as its a nice boring stock that has appeal: https://emergingmarketskeptic.substack.com/p/emerging-markets-week-march-11-2024 My only pet peeve with stock write-ups is that there should be links to an IR page and ticker (along with a description of what a stock does) - I include lots of outside links in pieces BUT I know that kills SEO and Google algorithms (but frankly, I don't care about SEO-Google-algorithms - if a piece is good, people will comes back and read more...).

Oh I only found an IR page in Chinese for this stock: https://www.basso.com.tw/zh-tw/a3-2409/%E7%87%9F%E6%94%B6%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A.html Unless there are English filings on a Taiwanese SEC type of site?

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That is very fair. Please go to https://emops.twse.com.tw/server-java/t58query. Click "Electronic Books" -> "Shareholders' meetings" -> type in 1527 in stock code and 2023 in year and you should be able to get the annual report.

You can also play around with that website and should be able to obtain quarterly statements. Let me know how it goes.

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